Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

Semua Tentang A.G.F.A.R :)

Jadi, dia itu namanya panjang loh. Liat kan di judul postingan ini? Yup, his name is Adam Ghaffar Firnandi A. R. It's hard to remember the last 2 words because he barely talks about it. Sooo yeah, I once heard it but I couldn't keep it on my mind hehe sorry ya ;) Let's talk about the way he........ is. Dia yang pake hoodie GAP. Well, I actually have the exact same white GAP's hoodie as him. Gue punya hoodie itu duluan dan dia jatuh cinta sama hoodie gue & akhirnya dia beli juga..... Ok dia itu anaknya lucu, as in funny and silly. He's kinda crazy, and a little bit mean. Tapi bukan 'mean' yang kayak nenek sihir or something with dark magic gitu, dia itu jahat well jahatnya anak SMA ya gimana sih yaaa. Suka ngecakkin temen-temennya. he's SUPER annoying. SUPER. Gue gatau waktu kecil dia dikasih makan apa, pokoknya dia itu super nyebelin tapi nyebelinnya itu yang bikin gue suka kangen dijailin sama dia. He has a very sexy lips :* hahaha bibirnya lucu bgt uuuuuu hehe. Gue suka banget kalo dia udah ngomong "yeee apaan sih lu?" gitu. Solanya kalo dia ngomong gitutuh lucu banget, like no one could ever replace his "yeee apaan sih lu" accent! Seriously. Well, he loves making fun of our friends in class, he cheats all the time! Especially when it comes to homework, dia pasti nyontek. Hmm, gak pasti juga sih but usually. Seringnya seperti ituuuu hehe peace out ya dam. Sebenernya Adam itu anaknya asik kok kalo lo udah kenal sama dia. Dibalik sifat nyebelinnya itu, he's a good listener & a geart mood booster! Disaat gue lagi bete, galau, sedih, pokoknya gapunya semangat hidup gitu, dia bisa ngehibur gue dengan tingkahnya dia yang kinda freak yet funny gitudeeeey. Gue cinta banget deh sama dia kalo dia ngelawak, abis lucu gituuuu! Hahaha. Lo mau tau dia suka ngomong apa aja? Well, he has a twitter account @adamgfr. Go see it yourself ;) Well, I think that's all i can say here. Just FYI, this post is NOT the "Ok, this  is about you. & you. Both. :-)" second part. I haven't write it yet because I don't know where to start hehe. Ok soooo, this is all about Adam :-)

Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

Ok, this is about you. & you. Both. :-)

Long time no read my writes, eh? Sooo, langsung to the point aja deh ya. Gue mau menceritakan *ea* seseorang, well, actually, dua orang yang udah turned my world upside down.
Ok, the first one I am going to tell you is the one that I've kown sonce the 8th grade. I can't tell you his name, but I'll give you a hint, his name starts with R ends with A. My friends and I sometimes call him "18". Got a clue? Haha gue pertama bbm-an sama dia itu waktu gue lagi di ruma gue yang di jatipadang dan disana itu sinyalnya sangat amat TIDAK mendukung. Gue kesel. Bete. Tapi gue seneng sm dia. Dia itu anaknya asik, seru, lucu, dan jail. Pokoknya seruuuuuu banget deh. Teruuuus gue jadi deket banget sama dia gitu kan yeaaaa, terus gue jadi sayang sama dia :'( pokoknya sejak kelas 8 semester dua tuh I just can't get him out of my mind, I always think about him all the time since then. While I'm on a crazy crush on him, he loves another girl. Well, I die a little inside but it's not his fault though, the blame is on me, I didn't tell him that I'm on a major crush on him. Ok, I got jealous, like freaking jealous, and it makes me crazy. Like, how in the hell did this feeling got into me? Gue GAK PERNAH ya ngerasain yang namanya cemburu and all those kind of shits. Pokoknya tuh..... It feels like every night I wanna scream like AAAAAAAAAAAAAA OH MY GOD gitu deh hahaha, ironic, huh? Yeaaa yea. Sumpah, waktu itutuh ya gue tu jadi cepet kesel gitu deh, I was like "anjrit, how did this happen to me? Kenapa coba gue harus ngerasain ini? Ffffuuuu." Gue coba move on, tapiiiiiiii susahnya itu buset parah kaco ngelebihin susahnya soal ulangan MTK tentang logaritma&trigonometri! Lebih susah daripada waktu lo disuruh nyari si 'X' pasangannya sih 'Y' gitu HUFT. Anjir kalo lo tau gimana perasaan gue waktu itu ya ISH emosi banget gue woy ngeliat dia so sweet banget sama ceweknya. Tapi gue bisa apa? Gue bisanya dengerin love songs di pojokkan rumah gue sambil twitteran atau curhat sama temen gue. Atau diem disitu. Yes, stay still. Bener-bener diem, macem anak tiri abis dimarahin sama ibunya. Sedih ya? Lebay? Emang. Gue gatau harus gimana. Bete. Capek. Yaaaa bagi para wanita yang pernah merasakan ini pasti ngerti lah ya. Lo gak suka ngeliat dia sayang sm cewek lain, taip lo gak bisa ngapa-ngapain. Mantep gak tuh? Enaaaak banget deh rasanya beuuh. TOP. Sampe akhirnya gue deket lagi sama dia, tapi ngga lama, because during our closeness, he changed. He became colder. He wasn't him for not-so-very-long time but, it is to me. Ok, we lost contact. Like, we totally didn't say hi on bbm at all, or on twitter. AT ALL. Do you know how it feels to be like that for a long time with someone you love? Yeah, I was feeling like HELL. The deepest, hottest, most torturing hell of all hell. And the worst part is he didn't feel the same way. Sedih banget anjir hati gue hancur berkeping-keping menjadi butiran debuuuuuu uouo *ok jangan ketawa karena pas ngetik ini gue ketawa HAHA ok bye* YEAAA sebenernya ngga gitu juga sih HAHA biasa aja kaliii. Dia. Tapi kalo gue? Gabisa biasa *ea* haha. Seriously, mau jedot-jedotin kepala tau ngga sih rasanya rawrrrr. Selang berapa lama gitu ya akhirnya kita baikan yeay! Apaansi baikan, berantem aja engga-_- ya pokoknya everything went back to normal. NAAAH terus gue main kerumahnya for the fucking first time. Ok. Calm down. OK. ANJRIT GUE SENENG ABIS COY. Ok santai aja kali, Kar. Gue main tuh dirumah dia sampe maghrib trs dia anter gue balik tapi cuma sampe depan perumahannya dia aja hehe. NAH, sebelum gue balik, gue ngasih buku kecil gitu ke dia yang isinya tuh tentang dia gitu lah yeaaaa. Gak lama setelah gue sampe rumah, dia sms gue gitu bilang makasih sama buku yang gue bikin dan gue kasih ke dia. Kalo aja gue bisa cerita disini ya sms yang dia kirim isinya apa aja, pasti gue ceritain deh, tapi gue gabisa :-( pokoknya abis itu gue seneng banget parah gitu deh hahaha biasalah cewek yakan.
Ok, tanggal 11 juni 2012 gue ngomong ke dia kalo I got this major crush on him since the 8th grade. Dan dia udah tau. Mau mati ngga sih lo? :') HAHAHA ok agak lucu sih tapi tetep aja yaampun gue speechless sekaligus legaaaaaaaaaaa pake banget. Makin sayang aja gue sama dia. But then I found out that he's so freaking in love with this one girl. She's sweet as candy. And he loves her sooooo much, like I love my iPod haha. One second after I knew it, I finally realized that he's not for me. He's not the one. And It'd be super hard to win his heart. So, I decided to move on, but I still got him running around in my mind. Too much memories shared with him even though he didn't feel the way I did about him, I won't forget him. I fell in love with him. I loved him. I was in love with him. And I'll always remember that amazing feeling for him. And him. :-)

Lanjut part II, ya!
